Guidance and Orientation for the Selection of Technologies

From: Public Services and Procurement Canada

Guidance and Orientation for the Selection of Technologies (GOST) is a tool developed by Environmental Services team of Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) in collaboration with the National Research Council (NRC) of Canada to help contaminated sites managers better manage their sites.

Being responsible for managing the environmental remediation of a site posing potential risks to human health and the environment, you can determine the applicable decontamination technology(ies) for your site, or, more generally, comparing key elements of the decontamination technology or various contaminants.

The following additional information can also be consulted: the average cost for the analysis of a laboratory sample, a glossary of contaminants and decontamination technologies, as well as a range of resources related to decontamination and the environment.

On this page

Find the technology appropriate for your site.

Complete the decontamination Technologies Selection Tool questionnaire by indicating the parameters of your contaminated site and generating a list of applicable decontamination technologies.

To access the questionnaire, you must create an account.

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Decontamination technologies

Compare the key elements of several decontamination technologies or learn more about a specific technology by consulting its fact sheet.

To help determine if a technology is appropriate for a contaminated site, the technology fact sheets also provide a list of laboratory tests and field tests recommended in the phases II and III environmental characterization.

Consult the fact sheets of the decontamination technologies and compare them

Environmental contaminants

Compare contaminants or learn more about a particular contaminant by consulting the fact sheets which describe its important chemical properties, how it will react in the environment, the main related sources of contamination, and a brief overview of health and safety issues.

Consult the fact sheets of the contaminants and compare them

Additional information on remediation

Complementary tool

The Sustainable development analysis tool (SDAT), also developed by Environmental Services team of Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC), provides a way to evaluate various environmental decontamination options, by putting into perspective the various environmental, social and economic factors and their interactions, which can affect the success of a remediation option.

This tool will be complementary to your analysis carried out on the GOST tool, allowing you to make an informed decision about the type of technology that you should use to decontaminate sites, while enhancing the beneficial aspects and mitigating the adverse impacts.

Consult the sustainable development analysis tool

More information

Please contact the Guidance and Orientation for the Selection of Technologies support team at: (read our Privacy notice statement below).

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